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Caernarvon Township Barn Fire
July 1, 2022
This morning at 0427 hours Station 33 was alerted for the full company to assist Lancaster Station 34 (Churchtown) on a barn fire on the 6400 block of Division Highway in Caernarvon Township, Lancaster County. Chief 34 arrived to find a two story horse barn with fire all throughout the second floor. Engine 33-5 arrived and assisted with water supply at the end of the driveway. Engine 33-5 and Rescue 33 crews assisted with fire suppression and overhual. Engine 33-1 set up a fill site for tankers at a dry hydrant on Pool Forge Rd and Route 23. Honey Brook crews were in service approximately two hours before being released by Command 34. We would like to thank East Brandywine Fire Company Engine 49-5 for standing by at our station while we worked this fire. Twenty four Honey Brook volunteers responded to this fire.